Conditionally show a button based on the selected record in a subgrid

Haven't you ever wondered why the "Activate" button is still visible after you have selected an (already) active record? Well, I certainty did. For me, this is a clear example of bad user experience. Having both buttons available makes no sense and it can only bring confusion. In this case it would be better to either show the … Continue reading Conditionally show a button based on the selected record in a subgrid

Overwrite customizations when deploying a patch solution

Solution segmentation has greatly improved since Dynamics CRM 2016. You are able to deploy small fixes to your production environment by the use of a patch solution. This reduces the risk of unintentionally modifying objects on the target deployment. More information and getting started with patch solutions can be found on msdn. Unfortunately an important … Continue reading Overwrite customizations when deploying a patch solution